Magento 2 Add Facebook Pixel Code

Growing your online store is about understanding your customer's interaction with your site. The better you understand their behavior, the more effectively you can cater to their needs, optimize their experience, and ultimately increase your sales. Every click, page visit, and interaction tells you something valuable about your audience. Tracking and analyzing customer behavior is key to making smarter decisions and improving your store's performance. It allows you to refine your approach, target the right audience, and make adjustments that could significantly impact your bottom line.

Facebook Pixel lets you track actions on your website and optimize your marketing strategies. Adding Facebook(Meta) Pixel into your store might sound like a technical challenge, but don't worry; it's easier than you think! Keep reading to discover how to add Facebook Pixel to your Magento store and gather valuable insights.

What is Facebook (Meta) Pixel?

Facebook Pixel is a small piece of code provided by Meta that you place on your website. The Pixel collects data about visitor's actions on your site and sends that information to Facebook's advertising platform. This data allows you to track user interactions, optimize your ads for better performance, and retarget users with more relevant ads.

With Facebook(Meta) Pixel, you can:

  • Track Conversions: Track what happens when users interact with your website, including purchases, sign-ups, and other actions.
  • Measure the Effectiveness of Ads: Understand how users respond to your ads, providing insights for optimization.
  • Create Lookalike Audiences: Use the data gathered by the Pixel to create audiences that resemble your most valuable customers, thus helping you target potential customers more effectively.
  • Retarget Visitors: Show ads to people who have previously visited your store but didn't make a purchase, encouraging them to complete their transactions.

Why Should You Add Facebook Pixel to Magento 2?

Magento 2, one of the leading e-commerce platforms, provides excellent flexibility and customization. Integrating Facebook Pixel with Magento 2 allows store owners to get the most out of their Facebook advertising efforts. Here are a few key reasons why you should consider adding Facebook Pixel to your Magento 2 store:

  • Enhanced Ad Targeting: By tracking user behavior on your site, you can target Facebook ads more effectively, ensuring they reach users most likely to engage with them.
  • Better Conversion Tracking: Facebook Pixel allows you to track all conversion events, such as purchases and sign-ups. This gives you valuable insights into how well your ads are performing.
  • Dynamic Product Ads: You can run dynamic product ads once you add Facebook Pixel to your Magento store. These ads automatically show users the products they have interacted with on your site, improving the likelihood of conversion.
  • Retargeting and Remarketing: Facebook Pixel enables remarketing campaigns that target users who abandoned their carts or visited specific product pages without making a purchase.
  • Improved Reporting: Integrating Facebook Pixel into your Magento store lets you get accurate and granular data from your Facebook ad campaigns. You'll be able to assess the real-world impact of your ads and make informed decisions to improve your marketing efforts.

Now that we understand the importance of Facebook Pixel, let's move on to the practical steps for adding it to your Magento 2 store.

How to Add Facebook(Meta) Pixel to Magento 2 Store Using MageDelight Extension?

Integrating Facebook Pixel into your Magento 2 store lets you track visitor actions, measure conversions, and optimize ad campaigns effectively. Follow the steps below to set up and configure the Facebook Pixel using the MageDelight extension.

Step 1. Enable and Configure the Extension

The first step is activating and configuring the general settings of the MageDelight Facebook Pixel extension in your Magento 2 Admin Panel. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Magento Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > MageDelight > Facebook Pixel.
  3. Locate the Enable option and set it to "Yes."
  4. Once the extension is enabled, configure the general settings for the Facebook Pixel.
  5. Cookie Consent-Based Tracking: Set this option to "Yes" to ensure that Facebook Pixel events are triggered only after users consent to cookies. This helps comply with GDPR and other privacy laws.
  6. Deferred Script Loading: Enable this feature by setting it to "Yes" to delay Facebook Pixel scripts loading until the page is fully loaded. This improves site performance and ensures a seamless user experience.

Step 2. Set Up Automatic Log Deletion 

Configure the automatic log deletion feature to manage your logs and ensure optimal performance.

  1. Enable Cron for Log Management in the configuration settings by setting it to "Yes."
  2. Configure the following options:
    1. Auto-Delete Logs Older than (Days): Specify the days after which logs should be automatically deleted.
    2. Cron Frequency: Choose how often the cleanup should occur (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).
    3. Cron Time: Set the specific time for the cron job to run.
  3. Save the settings.

Step 3. Add and Manage Pixel IDs

You can manage all your Facebook Pixel IDs from the MageDelight dashboard. To add a new Pixel ID:

  1. Go to MageDelight > Facebook Pixel > Manage Pixel IDs.
  2. Click on Add New Pixel.
  3. Fill in the following details:
    1. Status: Set this to "Yes" to enable the Pixel.
    2. Pixel ID: Enter the unique Pixel ID generated in your Facebook Business account. You can find this ID in your Facebook Business Manager under the Pixels section.
    3. Store View: Select the appropriate store view to apply the Pixel configuration.
    4. Success Page Order Total: Choose the type of order total (total or sub-total) to report to Facebook.
    5. Exclude Zero Value Orders: Enable this option to avoid tracking orders with zero value.
  4. Save the configuration to activate the Pixel.

Step 4. Configure Event Tracking

Facebook Pixel can track multiple user actions on your website, such as viewing pages, adding products to the cart, and completing purchases. To configure these events:

  1. Navigate to the Events section in the MageDelight configuration settings.
  2. Choose which events to track by setting the respective options to "Yes."
  3. Common events include:
    1. Page View: Tracks when a user visits any page on your website.
    2. View Content: Tracks visits to specific pages, such as product detail pages.
    3. Add to Cart: Records when a user adds a product to their shopping cart.
    4. Initiate Checkout: Tracks when a user starts the checkout process.
    5. Purchase: Records when a purchase is completed.

Step 5. Enable Conversion API

The Conversion API (CAPI) allows for server-to-server data sharing, providing a more reliable and privacy-focused way of tracking conversions.

  1. In the configuration settings, locate the Conversion API section.
  2. Set Enable Conversion API Tracking to "Yes."
  3. Enter the following details:
    1. Access Token: Obtain the access token from your Facebook Business account.
    2. Test Event Code: Enter the test token code to verify the API integration.
  4. Save the configuration.

You can track customer actions more accurately by enabling CAPI, even when browser-side tracking is restricted due to ad blockers or privacy settings.

Step 6. Review Real-Time Logs

  1. Navigate to MageDelight > Facebook Pixel > Real-Time Logs.
  2. The Real-Time Logs grid displays all active events with detailed metrics, such as:
    1. Event Name
    2. Created At timestamp
    3. Action to View/Edit
  3. Use this feature to troubleshoot and verify the successful transmission of event data to Facebook.

Step 7. Frontend Testing and Validation

  1. Use the Meta Pixel Helper Browser Extension:
    1. Install the extension in your browser.
    2. Visit your website and perform the actions you've configured for tracking (e.g., viewing a product page or completing a purchase).
    3. The Meta Pixel Helper will display the triggered events and highlight any configuration issues.
  2. Check the Facebook Events Manager:
    1. Log in to your Facebook Business Manager.
    2. Navigate to the Events Manager and select the Pixel you've configured.
    3. Review the event data to ensure proper tracking.

Tips for a Smooth Setup

  • Always ensure your Magento store and extensions are up-to-date to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Backup your database and web directory before installing or configuring new extensions.
  • Test the Pixel setup on a staging environment before deploying it to your live site.


Integrating Facebook Pixel into your Magento 2 store is not just about adding a snippet of code to your website; it's about unlocking a treasure trove of insights that can help you understand your customers better and optimize your ad campaigns for maximum impact. Following the steps outlined above, you will quickly set up Facebook pixel and enhance your marketing strategy.