Boost Customer Trust with Cybersource Tokenization

Most of the customers hesitate to shop online because of:

  • The threat of online fraud
  • Less acceptance of the myriad of the cards
  • Hassle of entering the card details again and again

All the factors influence the conversion and ROI. It makes the integration of secured payment gateway that accepts the bevy of cards and saves the card information automatically- the top preference of every Magento Ecommerce store.

CyberSource Tokenization Magento 2 is one of the best offerings of the Mage Delight that allows the Ecommerce stores to accept the various types of credit card payment through CyberSource. The payment gateway powered by CyberSource enables the credit card processing in multiple currencies. Want to know more?

Let’s take a glance at the CyberSource Magento 2 extension features offered by Mage delight:

  • Allow you to accept the range of cards like- Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express® and more.
  • Support the universal and regional cards for the varied brands of 190 nations
  • Users can save the credit card info as tokens for future purchase
  • The payment action can be taken as Authorize or Authorize and Capture
  • Enable online refund and void payment functionality
  • CVV verification to safeguard the payment

Now, take a sneak peek inside how the CyberSource Tokenization for Magento 2 store is beneficial:

  • End up the users’ frustration of adding card details for the next time they shop
  • Enable faster and hassle-free checkout
  • Acceptance of the myriad of cards and currencies around the globe boosts the sales
  • CyberSource server guarantees the payment security
  • Fraud prevention measures improve the customers’ trust
  • Easy configuration help the merchants to easily work after embracing the extension

The closing thoughts

The Magento 2 CyberSource Tokenization is a next generation extension for the online stores that are looking to new ways to score high on customers’ trust with secure, convenient and quick transactions. Are you the one who is also searching for the same? If so, buy and integrate the Magento 2 CyberSource payment plugin in your Ecommerce store to grow with more customers, sales, and revenue.