Keeping up-to-date with technology is something really basic for every e-commerce store. For our customers to stand out of the competition, we believe in delivering perfection and excellence. Our extensions are focused entirely on putting additional functionality to your e-commerce stores. Therefore, we keep upgrading it timely, to help you reach your e-commerce goals. Here is the list of extensions we upgraded in:
Magento 2 One Step Checkout
Version Number: 2.0.0
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Register customer while checkout process
- Static blocks on checkout page and order success page
- Change the position of agreement block (Below payment methods Or Above order confirm button)
- Delivery Date & Time selection using extension
- Fixed extra fee addition using extension
- Add gift message on checkout page (Product level Or Order level)
- Checkout page layout selection (2-column & 3-column)
- Change the sort order of the shipping address, shipping method & payment blocks
- Change the position of billing address
- Change the position, width and the default value of the billing and shipping address field
- Set default shipping and payment method
Magento 2 Mega Menu
Version Number: 2.0.11
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- JS and CSS Beautify
- Updated Mega Menu svg icon
- Menu list issue in the configuration section
- Remove undefined text in URL field when added menu block in a menu item
Magento 2 Product Bundled Discount
Version Number: 1.3.1
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Optimizing the code
- Integrated with MageDelight base extension
- Resolved bundle product creation issue in the single-store mode
- Compatible with PHP 7.2
Magento 2 Subscribe Now

Version Number: 200.4.1
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Added trial billing period label in View Profile
- Made it compatible with Enterprise Edition Split DB feature
- Multi-store view skip profile history log date issue resolved
- Bundle & Group child product configuration issue resolved
Magento 2 Gift Wrap
Version Number: 1.1.5
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Code Improvement
- Resolved bundle product & custom options product
- Resolved Bundle & Group child product conflict
Magento 2 Advance Custom Option
Version Number: 1.0.4
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Enhanced the compatibility of extension to be compatible with Amasty One Step Checkout.
Magento 2 Extra Fee
Version Number: 1.0.1
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Bugs fixed & checkout page made simpler
Magento 2 Product Parts Finder
Version Number: 1.0.3
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Bug fixes are done and search results improved
Magento 2 Partial Payment

Version Number: 1.1.7
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Partial Payment Configuration popup made visible on the admin product page in Magento 2.3.x
- The tax amount is no more calculated twice
Magento 2 Authorize.net CIM

Version Number: 3.0.8
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- 3D secure implementation with cardinal and songbird.js
Magento 2 Stripe Payment Gateway
Version Number: 3.0.2
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Resolved terms and condition issue
- Resolved issue in stripe if the billing address is not selected by default
Magento 2 Price Per Customer
Version Number: 2.0.2
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Made extension compatible with Magento 2.2.5
Magento 2 Product PDF Print
Version Number: 2.0.9
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Fixed PDF issue with a custom option like a text field
- Made supported Lithuanian symbols UTF-8 with PDF
Magento 2 Store Locator
Version Number: 2.0.1
Stability: Stable
Compatibility: Magento Community: 2.2-2.3, Magento Enterprise: 2.2-2.3
- Search by tag supports multi-select
- Revamped version with Google map theme change option and search store by tags
Are you willing to rock the conversion rate on your e-commerce store? Have you upgraded the Magento extensions yet? If not, what are you waiting for? With our premium Magento 2 Extensions, we always strive to deliver results beyond excellence!