Store Pickup for Omni-Channel

At present, ecommerce is flourishing due to mobile Internet and improved services. It has pushed several brick brands to establish online stores by becoming Omni-channel businesses.

Today advanced ecommerce search features enable shoppers to locate products of choices within no time. They can compare product quality, prices, and shipping charges on the fly.

It makes the battle of ecommerce store owners arduous and compels them to offer some acceptable alternatives to grab more traffic and improve conversion. Amongst several luring techniques, “Buy Online and Pickup In-store” is gaining momentum.

Share of Store Pickup Services in US Retails

According to “Slice Intelligence” survey, “Buy Online & Pickup In-store” share of the US retail ecommerce sales in 2015 were as following:

  • Sam’s Club – 30.2%
  • Kmart – 22.6%
  • Toys “R” Us – 15%
  • Best Buy – 11.8%
  • The Home Depot – 9%
  • Wal-Mart – 8.4%
  • Target – 6.6%
  • Bloomingdales – 3.1%

For retail ecommerce, such increasing trend of store pick up option is significance and compels them to think about it seriously.

Why Shoppers Love Store Pickup Option

We can cite several reasons for such love, but the most prominent are:

Free Shipping
Today shoppers are smart enough to check shipping cost prior to finish checkout process and use the shipping calculator in most cases. Therefore, whenever they find Store Pickup option available in their vicinity and with easy reach, they immediately try to save some bucks on shipping.

Usually, shipping of products begins from the warehouse of the main branch of the ecommerce or Omni-channel business and takes some of the times for products to arrive at the buyers’ doorsteps. Therefore, when shoppers see Store Pickup options and compare the shipping charges with commuting charges or fuel burning to reach the store, they love to save shipping time by selecting in-store pickup option against shipping in standard shipping or express shipping ways.

Free up from Providing Address Data
For in-store pickup option, shoppers do not have to furnish vital data like address and contact details as well as stay on that address whenever parcel arrives. They simply count the ease of store reach at the economic point of view and for convenience as well.

At usability perspective, filling address and other data on mobile screens are tedious exercise and store pickup choice save the users from it.

Provides Opportunity to Check Products
In the store, pickup method brings consumers in store and check products on the spot so they can know product defects, quality, and quantity before bringing products their homes.

It ultimately resolves many Product Return issues and following the entire return policies.

Offers Convenience
For many customers, brick stores or branches where products of their choice are available come in, in the way of their commuting or the vicinity so they can pick up products with ease and without any extra cost or effort so they love in-store pickup.

For food items, fresh and hot packages tempt many busy professionals to pick up from the restaurant or hotel on their convenient time and enjoy it as well.

Why Omni-channel Businesses Love In-Store Pickup

Businesses for several reasons love to offer in-store pickup services as one of the shipping options and ready to spend some on extension integration for their Omni-channel ecommerce stores for the sake of desired features and functionality.

Store Pickup option against shipping exercise relieves businesses from many pains such as:

  • Business needs not to do any packing for shipping
  • It saves business from arranging, managing, and tracking shipping
  • It saves brands from taxes of local bodies on shipping and other fees too

Moreover, Store Pickup activity offers an opportunity for business to show and lure customers for cross sales and up sales of relevant items. It has seen that many customers buy more items when they see products physically and touch it/inspect it.

Finally, the face-to-face encounter of shoppers for a brick-and-click store provides an excellent opportunity to establish long-term rapports and exchanges of thoughts, contact details, and social media opportunities, if the store is ready for it.

How Omni-channel Brands Leverage the Most from Store Pickup Trends

If Omni-channel businesses include Store Pickup option in their online storefronts, they can drive more traffic and secure more conversion by reducing cart abandon rate.

According to an analysis of ecommerce store, it has noted that nearly 33% ecommerce visitors abandoned shopping carts just for the sake of higher shipping, taxes, and service fees like additional costs found during the checkout process.

Among these, shipping has a significant contribution and Store Pickup alternative method can cut it drastically as well as improve user experiences and user trusts.

There are multiple ways to offer Store Pickup feature in mobile friendly ecommerce stores for Omni-channel brands. For instance,

  • On product pages
  • Before checkout process
  • As an alternative shipping method

Unfortunately, on product pages and before checkout pages, Store Pickup button hardly makes sense at usability and user experience point of views.

Therefore, it is the best way to integrate Store Pickup module/button/option in checkout pages and as an alternative shipping method selection. Thus, it allows smart shoppers to compare its benefits against shipping charges.

Moreover, the selection of right plugin or extension for Magento like the leading ecommerce platforms makes sense. Therefore, we would like to present an exclusive Magento 2.0 extension for your Omni-channel ecommerce stores at MageDelight Magento 2 Store Pickup Extension.

Leverage the most from Store Pickup extension for your Omni-channel business running on Magento 2.0

Distinguish Features of Store Pickup Extension for Magento 2.0

With our Store Pickup extension, you can find exceptional features seamlessly integrated with your Magento 2.0 storefront such as:

#1: Store Search Features
Store Pickup extension has “Store Locator” functionality so your shoppers can search and view store on “Separate Listing Page”/module with Maps. Moreover, your ecommerce visitors can run Quick Search for your brick store/branch using the Search Option by Radius Distance inputs for Map views.

Search and View store on separate listing page

For mobile-friendly UI, we have including distance bar to drag it easily and Locate Store feature with the help of Google Map to achieve Instant Direction of your brick store.

#2: Store Timing Features
You can easily manage store “Opening and Closing Time” in your backend of Magento 2.0 storefront for the entire week including weekend. Moreover, a separate module at frontend allows your Magento ecommerce customers to select the most convenient time for product pickup, which they have paid for/purchased.

Manage store opening and closing time

Allow Customer to Choose Convenient Time of Product Pickup
Thus, store owners can get notifications regarding it automatically, and they can keep products ready with nametags of the respective consumers. If you have big stores, you can hang a separate board to indicate the location for Store Pickup customers to ease finding and save time.

Configure Store Vacation Mode
Besides timing, ecommerce owners can configure holidays for their stores in backend module by giving it names and dates for start and end of vacations. Thus, your frontend can display it along with store timing as well as can help in time settings for product pickup.

#3: Multiple Stores Configuration Features
Our extension allows backend users of your Magento 2.0 online store to configure “Country-State-City Wise Multiple Store Details: in easy and intuitive ways. Thus, your frontend shoppers can “View Store Detail Just by hovering on the ‘Tag Pin’ on the adjoining Map.

This cursor tips like the feature of Tag Pin gives the best user experiences with quick access to store details in user-friendly manners.

View store detail just by tag pin hover

Customer Can Chose Nearest Store to Pick up Product
By listing multiple stores, store owners can help their customers to select the nearest or the most convenient store to pick up products through the drop-down field.

Upon the selection of store of choice, your shoppers can see the relevant store details with address, contact numbers, and on the Maps too.

#4: Responsive and Mobile Compatible
Store Pickup extension for Magento 2.0 is with responsive web designing features and functionality, so it is always mobile compatible and mobile user-friendly in all aspects.

#5: Cost-effective
Compared to market, Store Pickup extension is highly cost efficient and worth to spend on features it offers.


Now, we know ultimate benefits of Store Pickup option in ecommerce and have an introduction with an exceptional extension developed by seasoned Magento developers at Magedelight. Moreover, the above-described features and functionality of Store Pickup extension, it also offers:

  • Free support for 3 months
  • Free upgrade for 3 months
  • More than 2000 Happy Clients
  • 30 days money back guarantee

All are additional attractions that can temp any ecommerce owner to lure.

If you’re ready to make your shopping experience several notches above ordinary, now would be the right time to grab MageDelight’s Store Locator and Pickup for Magento 2.

Also, you can refer this Magento 2 Store Pickup and Locator Extension’s FAQ Page for most common questions and it’s answers.

And if you need our professional assistance, feel free to contact us anytime.