Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, people are still hesitating to go out for anything unless it’s absolutely necessary.
This lead many physical stores to close their doors temporarily & permanently, pushing customers to shop online instead of offline.
On the bright side, this is a great opportunity for online retailers, especially with Christmas less than a month away.
Everyone knows that Christmas is the best time of the year for any retailer. Since shoppers moved towards the online sphere, eCommerce stores are gonna see the biggest jump in sales and revenue this year.
If you’re an eCommerce store owner, there are, however, a few things you’ll need to do in order to prepare your online store for the online shopping boom at Christmas.
Here are the top 10 Christmas sales tips for eCommerce stores to boost sales and revenue during the Christmas season.
1 - Decorate Your eCommerce Store
In this digital era, conventional stores aren’t the only ones that get ready for Christmas and New Year with decorative stuff.
The majority of eCommerce stores now also reflect the charm and vibrancy of the Christmas mood.
One of the reasons to decorate your eCommerce store with Christmassy Vibes is to connect with your customers with visuals that spark the holiday theme in their minds.
This, in turn, impresses the customers to stay for a longer time and explore more, increasing the odds of making a purchase.
2 - Create a Christmas Deals Page
Another important tip to keep in mind to boost your sales this Christmas season is to create a Christmas Deals page and highlight it on the home page of your eCommerce store.
On this Christmas Deals page, add all categories and products with the most jaw-dropping deals you’ve ever introduced..
3 - Put the Word Out Through Newsletter & Social Media
Although the Christmas season is when eCommerce retailers see the biggest jump in their sales and revenue, it is also the period of extreme competitiveness in the eCommerce industry.
So, it is extremely crucial for you to ensure that your store is noticed among all the competitors this Christmas by getting the word out to your existing as well as potential customers through the newsletter and social media.
For instance, you can create a series of custom-tailored Christmas newsletters to send out.
Simultaneously, you can also post regularly on social media to encourage your followers and customers to buy from your online store this Christmas.
To help you get started, we have the perfect Social Media Promotions Magento 2 Extension that allows you to seamlessly integrate the Facebook shop while letting your customers share your products on Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp, and other social media platforms.
4 - Offer Free Shipping
Holiday seasons like Christmas are when online shoppers expect free shipping even for small items.
Last year, in fact, nearly 81% of online orders during the Christmas season included free shipping, according to Comscore Survey.
Statista also revealed that the shipping fee is the top reason why online shoppers abandon their shopping cart.
So, by offering free shipping, even just during the Christmas holiday season, you can dramatically boost your eCommerce sales and revenue.
5 - Provide Gift Wrap Option
Christmas, like many other holiday seasons, is the time to give gifts to family and friends.
And if you sell products that fill that need, then it is highly recommended to provide a gift wrap option in your eCommerce store.
So, put your Santa Claus hat on and start making a list of all such products to place them as gift suggestions on your eCommerce store as well as social media platforms.
Remember, people now buy beyond traditional gift items, which means a laptop can be displayed among gift suggestions as well.
And if you decide to showcase gift suggestions on your eCommerce store, then we also have the perfect Gift Wrap Magento 2 Extension to help you easily integrate the gift wrap functionality.
The extension will allow your customers to select from a variety of gift wrap options suitable for not just Christmas but for all occasions.
6 - Offer Special Christmas Holiday Discount
Everyone loves, and in fact, looks forward to holiday discounts on their favorite online stores.
And why not! - Any kind of holiday discounts are always appealing and difficult to resist.
And since people are on a buying spree during the Christmas holidays, offering them a decent discount will definitely increase the odds of people buying from your store.
So, if you really want to see a notable rise in sales and revenue this Christmas, be sure to provide some kind of discount offer on your eCommerce store.
7 - Create Product Bundles with Extra Discount Offer
Product bundle discount is one of the highly effective marketing techniques of the modern world.
In this, you need to basically bundle certain products together and offer an extra discount on the combined price.
This way, your customers will be easily able to compare the cost of the products if they’re bought together and separately.
For example, you can combine products like Laptop, mouse, and external hard drive as a deal. Or, you can also create a bundle of 5-10 same products together at a discounted price.
Such price reduction on product bundle combinations always wins.
In fact, you can easily introduce Product bundles with discount offers by integrating our Magento 2 Product Bundle Discount Extension.
It will help you create a bundle of your upsell & cross-selling products with additional discount offers to boost your conversions.
So, this Christmas season, utilize the benefits of the product bundling technique to push more sales of products that have been slow by emphasizing on savings.
8 - Sell Gift Cards
Christmas is not just the season to influence your customers’ buying decisions with deals, discounts, and offers, it is also the best time to spoil them to come back for more, even after the Christmas season is over.
Whether you want to sell more this Christmas or bring some of your customers back after the Christmas season sale, selling Gift Cards is one of the proven techniques.
When someone gives a gift card to use on your ecommerce store, as opposed to giving cash, that customer is bound to spend it on your eCommerce store.
In fact, a study has also found that 55% of gift card users likely to visit your store more than once to deplete their gift card balance.
So, not only gift cards increase your sales, but it also gives them a compelling reason to come back and spend more.
And when it integrating the Gift Card functionality, we’ve already built an ideal Magento 2 Gift Card Extension that is easy to configure and allows your customers to send physical as well as digital gift cards over post or email.
9 - Recover Abandoned Carts with Special Christmas Discount
Festive times like Christmas provide a great opportunity to bring back the customers who recently abandoned their shopping carts with a special Christmas discount offer.
And to help you succeed in this venture, you can utilize our Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Extension to smoothly and effortlessly recover abandoned carts and elevate your sales with custom festive offers.
The extension is well-equipped with numerous features that will allow you to generate unlimited custom email templates and abandoned cart rules to improve the chances of making the sale.
10 - Cross-Sell & Up-sell
The probability of selling to existing customers is between 60-70%, while that of a new customer is only between 5-20%. This is why cross-selling and up-selling are highly recommended.
Cross-selling is basically all about trying to sell something along with another product like selling a wire extension with a computer.
Upselling, on the other hand, is about prompting items to customers that are expensive than the ones they’re buying.
The upselling product can be faster, newer model, or just better than the one customer is interested in buying.
Showing related products on your product pages, for example, is a tried-and-tested technique to make more sales.
With our Magento 2 Automatic Related Products Extension, you can dynamically showcase related products. This will increase the odds to boost your revenue with a complimentary product sale.
Concluding Thoughts…
Whenever a festive season arrives, people from all around the world go on a shopping spree. This Christmas season, you can expect better eCommerce sales potential especially as shopping from home has become the new norm.
So, go ahead and start preparing your eCommerce store with these top Christmas sales tips. You will definitely generate huge sales and have numerous happy customers at the lowest price with our Christmas offer.
Good Luck!