Today, we’re going to teach you guys how to add a new step in Magento 2 checkout pages.
The default Magento 2 checkout page consists of two steps - Shipping and Payment & Review.
But, many Magento 2 stores require to add some additional logic like separating Payment & Review, displaying checkout summary, or simply create a brand new step for customization.
Although, Magento 2 checkout page customization is bit difficult as developers are required to put in more effort to customize knockout js and other js stuff.
But, we’ve put together an easy-to-follow tutorial that will help you to quickly learn how to add a new step in checkout page in your Magento 2 store.
Step-By-Step Process to Add a New Step in Checkout Pages in Magento 2
In this tutorial, we’ve shared how to add a new step in checkout page that displays logging status in your Magento 2 store.
Step - 1
First of all, you need to create a checkout-login-step.js file in the MageDelight/HelloWorld/view/frontend/web/js/view folder & paste the following code to implement the view model.
define( [ 'ko', 'uiComponent', 'underscore', 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/step-navigator', 'Magento_Customer/js/model/customer' ], function ( ko, Component, _, stepNavigator, customer ) { 'use strict'; /** * check-login - is the name of the component's .html template */ return Component.extend({ defaults: { template: 'MageDelight_HelloWorld/check-login' }, //add here your logic to display step, isVisible: ko.observable(true), isLogedIn: customer.isLoggedIn(), //step code will be used as step content id in the component template stepCode: 'isLogedCheck', //step title value stepTitle: 'Logging Status', /** * * @returns {*} */ initialize: function () { this._super(); // register your step stepNavigator.registerStep( this.stepCode, //step alias null, this.stepTitle, //observable property with logic when display step or hide step this.isVisible, _.bind(this.navigate, this), /** * sort order value * 'sort order value' < 10: step displays before shipping step; * 10 < 'sort order value' < 20 : step displays between shipping and payment step * 'sort order value' > 20 : step displays after payment step */ 15 ); return this; }, /** * The navigate() method is responsible for navigation between checkout step * during checkout. You can add custom logic, for example some conditions * for switching to your custom step */ navigate: function () { }, /** * @returns void */ navigateToNextStep: function () {; } }); } );
Step - 2
After that, you need to create a check-login.html file in the MageDelight/HelloWorld/view/frontend/web/template folder & paste the following code.
<!--Use 'stepCode' as id attribute--> <li data-bind="fadeVisible: isVisible, attr: { id: stepCode }"> <div class="step-title" data-bind="i18n: stepTitle" data-role="title"></div> <div id="checkout-step-title" class="step-content" data-role="content"> <p>The customer is <span data-bind="if: !isLogedIn">not</span> Logged-in</p> <form data-bind="submit: navigateToNextStep" novalidate="novalidate"> <div class="actions-toolbar"> <div class="primary"> <button data-role="opc-continue" type="submit" class="button action continue primary"> <span><!-- ko i18n: 'Next'--><!-- /ko --></span> </button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </li>
Step - 3
Lastly, you need to create a checkout_idex_index.xml file in the MageDelight/HelloWorld/view/frontend/layout/ folder & paste the following code to extend the checkout page’s layout to display the new step.
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd"> <body> <referenceBlock name="checkout.root"> <arguments> <argument name="jsLayout" xsi:type="array"> <item name="components" xsi:type="array"> <item name="checkout" xsi:type="array"> <item name="children" xsi:type="array"> <item name="steps" xsi:type="array"> <item name="children" xsi:type="array"> <!-- The new step you add --> <item name="check-login-step" xsi:type="array"> <item name="component" xsi:type="string">MageDelight_HelloWorld/js/view/checkout-login-step</item> <!--To display step content before shipping step "sortOrder" value should be < 1--> <!--To display step content between shipping step and payment step 1 < "sortOrder" < 2 --> <!--To display step content after payment step "sortOrder" > 2 --> <item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">2</item> <item name="children" xsi:type="array"> <!--add here child component declaration for your step--> </item> </item> </item> </item> </item> </item> </item> </argument> </arguments> </referenceBlock> </body> </page>
Step - 4
Finally, clean the cache and check the output.
Ending Note
So, these are the steps you can follow to create a new step in the checkout page of your Magento 2 store.
And if you need our professional assistance, feel free to contact us at any time.