How to Create and Configure Product Labels in Magento 2 Store?

Product Labels are a great way to grab attention from your customers on your Magento 2 store. Eye-catching labels for the New/Best-selling/On-sale products can help store owners gain quick action from the customers.

In today's tutorial, we will guide you on how to configure our Product Labels Magento 2 Extension on your store.

How to Install Product Lables Extension in Magento 2?

Step 1. First of all the store owner must backup the web directory and store database, even before installing the Product Label Magento 2 Extension. 

Step 2. Once done with the backup, install the Magento 2 Product Labels Extension and then unzip the extension package file into the root folder of Magento 2 installation.

Step 3. Now, Connect to the SSH console of your server and follow the below steps:

  • Navigate to the root folder of your Magento 2 setup
  • Run command as per below sequence,
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento module:enable Magedelight_Productlabel
php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Flush store cache
  • log out from the backend and log in again

Steps to Configure Magento Custom Product Label Extension

Here are the steps to configure Magento Custom Product Label Extension.

Step 1. Navigate to Settings > Product Labels

Product Label Magento 2 Configuration

Step 2. Select Website

Choose the store where you would want to configure product labels

Step 3. Enable Module

Enable/Disable Product Labels module

Step 4. Detail Page Container

Use detail page container class to display product label on product detail page. This is an auto generated field, the value will be loaded automatically on installation. The value can be changed as and when required.

Step 5. Listing Page Container

Use listing page container class to display product label on product detail page. This is an auto generated field, the value will be loaded automatically on installation. The value can be changed as and when required.

Step 6. Max Number of Labels on Single Product

Set maximum number of label to get displayed on product logo. By default it will 5.

Here the configuration is done.

➡️ Now set up the functionalities on the Magento 2 store:

Step 7. Navigate to Product Labels Grid

Navigate to Product Labels tab and click on Product Labels it will open Product labels grid as below:

Product Label Grid

Add New Product Label - Click to add new product label

Product Labels List - View, Edit & Delete pre-existing labels with the help of above grid

Step 8. Add A New Product Label

In the Product Labels grid, click on Add New Product Label. You'll need to configure it as shown below:

Add New Product Label in Magento 2

Label Name - Mention a name for the Label. It will be used for internal purposes only.

Status - Choose Yes/No to know the status of label

Priority - Set the priority of the label

Start Date & End Date - Define the time duration during which you would want the label to be displayed on frontend

Step 9. Label Configuration

Magento 2 Sale Label Configuration

Fill in the required information and upload an image for the label

Advanced CSS For Label Text - Use CSS to apply the style to text on the label

Product Sales Label Condition

Store View - Select store view to enable label to get displayed on selected store view(s) products

Customer Groups - Select customer groups to allow them to see product labels

Condition - Create conditions using product attributes to display product label for the products matching the condition criteria

Let us have a look how these labels look on the front end:

➡️ On the Listing Page

Product Label Magento 2 Extension

➡️ On the Product Page

MageDelight Product Label Extension

Buy now and configure the Magento 2 Product Labels Extension your store and boost customer satisfaction on the store. We hope the entire configuration process is clear, still if you face any issues, feel free to reach out.

Check our Front and back-end demos to explore more exciting features of our extension.

Also, you can refer this Magento 2 Product Labels Extension’s FAQ Page for most common questions and it’s answers.

And if you need our professional assistance, feel free to contact us anytime.

Product Label