The checkout process is one of the most critical parts of every eCommerce business. Just think of it as a checkout line at a normal grocery store.
What do customers look for when they want to checkout?
Answer: Find the shortest line!
The same applies to your online store. The shorter the online checkout process on your store, the higher conversions you’ll get.
On the other hand, if you have an extensive checkout process that requires your potential customers to go through a number of pages, then the majority of your customers are highly likely to abandon their carts.
Speaking of which, cart abandonment is a huge issue that almost every eCommerce store is facing. According to a Statista, the online shopping cart abandonment rate rose to a whopping 69% in 2019.
A recent study also found that 26% of all eCommerce customers that abandoned their online shopping carts did so because the checkout process on eCommerce stores was either too complicated or too long.
This brings us to a question...
How eCommerce businesses can reduce their cart abandonment as much as possible?
Fortunately, there is a solution - One-Step Checkout. One-Step Checkout is an extension that helps eCommerce businesses to fit all the essential processes and options in a single step.
That being said, here are the main benefits of One-Step Checkout and how its features help in making the checkout process user-friendly, fast, and efficient.
Benefits of One-Step Checkout
One-Step Checkout basically helps eCommerce businesses to display all essential elements such as cart items, shipping and billing address, payment information, and shipping options at one place.
This helps to make the checkout process faster with fewer pages and fewer clicks. Let’s look at the benefits more in detail to understand why One Page Checkout is an essential extension for your Magento-based online store.
Compact Design
When customers arrive at the checkout page on your eCommerce store, it’s important that they feel confident and comfortable to complete the process. With our One-Step Checkout Magento 2 Extension, the checkout process on your eCommerce store will start and end at the same one place.
Apart from this, the compact design of a Single-step checkout extension will also let you configure all essential steps, from basic information to shipping and payment options will help you encourage customers to make a purchase.
No Reloading & No Redirecting
Magento One Page Checkout will help you ensure that all your customers don’t get redirected to another page to finish the process and without any reloading. This will help you to ensure that the checkout process on your eCommerce store takes less time and there are no additional, unnecessary pages loaded.
No Sign In or Sign Up at Checkout
Thanks to One-Step Checkout, you no longer have to force your first-time customers to register and sign in to their accounts like the default Magento Checkout.
This Checkout module makes it possible for non-logged users to complete the checkout process without having to register on your eCommerce store to make a purchase, which saves a lot of time for your customers!
Steps to Install One Step Checkout Extension on Cloud Hosted Magento 2:
NOTE: Before installing the One-Step Checkout extension, please create a backup of your web dictionary and store database.
Installation Process
Step: 1
Download the Onestepcheckout code packet from MageDelight site's my account section
Step: 2
Extract the code packet into your app/code directory of the local environment (generally, it should be any integration branch from the cloud)
Step: 3
Run following commands from the Magento root folder -
> php bin/magento setup:upgrade
> php bin/magento setup:di:compile
> php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
> php bin/magento cache:clean
Step: 4
Push the newly added extension to your Magento Cloud's active branch. Once the extension is installed, you can now easily set up and customize one-step checkout from your backend.
If you’re seriously looking for ways to increase sales on your eCommerce store, then you should definitely consider installing the Magento 2 One Step Checkout extension.
As you saw, One-Step Checkout helps a lot in eliminating the big hindrance between sales and your customers, which is extremely important to reduce the shopping cart abandonment rate on your eCommerce store. And, not only you’ll be able to provide a fast checkout experience, but customers will also consider coming back for more on your online store.